Thoughts and Things

I realized today that perhaps the best way to keep to my writing goals is to actually track my progress. When I started writing my current project (which I refer to as Project Tawny Owl), I kept something like a journal in a notebook, detailing how many words I wanted to write that day, how…

The Story of Your Heart

So often, I’m wracked with inspiration. A little spark of an idea, a fleeting glance of an amazing character. Like a twirling dancer in an enchanted ballroom, these rushes of inspiration pass by me, moving so fast and so beautifully that  it becomes hard to focus on one aspect and see where this idea fits,…

Finding Yourself in Your Words

Hello! This week I wanted to write a post about a few things, including catching you guys up on what’s been happening in my life, as well as talking about the fact that we put  alot of ourselves into our writing. First things first- I’m back in Canada! After quite possibly the best six weeks…

From Ink to Earth- Creating Believable Worlds

The type of world we live  in changes us- from the clothing we wear, to the houses we live in, to the jobs we have. Everything from what we eat for breakfast, to how we say goodnight is affected by our world, and further by our role within that world. So how on earth is…

Finding Your Story Threads

We’ve all done it- staring at a blinking cursoour brains turning to mush. Perhaps a deadline is looming like a coming storm, or you just really want to write and can’t seem to find the story. I tend to call this terrible conundrum loosing your story threads. Some might just call this writer’s block, but…

Hello Gorgeous!

So. I have been a wee bit MIA lately, I know, and I apologize. I finished up exams and moved and am currently trying to plan a VERY exciting trip that involves a VERY exciting writing (ha rhymes!) component. But more on that later! The truth is, there’s no excuse to not be writing. And…

Silver Linings

When I was 13 years old, I mailed off my first story to three agents. Over the next few months, I recieved three rejection letters. Today, after opening another rejection letter, I felt this weighty sadness. Sometimes I feel as if I’ve wanted this dream for so, so long, and perhaps I may never achieve…

The Plus Side to Planning

The Perils of Pants Ah, ye olde debate- to plot, or to pants? First off, what does that even mean? Well, in writing we like to think that there are two basic roads to travel regarding your story’s game plan. (And how much you know about it from the get-go). When a writer plans out their…

Digging in Your Story Garden: Character Edition 

Your Story Garden I’ve decided to start a new series of posts called “Digging in Your Story Garden” in which I examin more closely a certain aspect of writing. I like to look at the concept of crafting a story as a garden. Each aspect, from Character to Plot to Setting, is a seed you…

Leggo that Ego! (And Listen to Your Critique Partner)

Sometimes we all need that person to be a little bit too honest with us. In my daily life, that person is, for me, pmy beloved sister. She tells me when my bronzer is too heavy, when my dance moves go from cute-dorky to weird-dorky, or when the voice impressions I’m doing just shouldn’t be…